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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!






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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 从今天开始,yorkU举行毕业典礼。开场白里提到yorkU是加拿大第三大大学,但是还比较穷,所以要多收学费。(最后半句是我引申的,呵呵)印象深刻的是唱国歌的时候......



    • 国歌名称是《啊,加拿大》。很多新公民承认,自己入籍宣誓时,说要效忠女皇,其实是在撒谎。
      • They lied to us first. They have discrimination first.
        • Who are "they"? Is there in the world a single community that there is no discrimination at all?
        • 要不要我们给议员打电话, 干脆把中国独立移民关掉算了. 过去中国独立移民不开放时加拿大也过得挺好, 各位意见如何?
          • Do you mean because of 中国独立移民, Canada is getting worse? Interesting
            • He did not say getting worse. Canada is Canada. If somebody thinks "they" lied, then we can tell them to stop.
      • 都什么时代了还提什么效忠?加拿大有的人真是。既然效忠,又何必独立?这样的宣誓早该改词了。
        • I heard that the Victory Day is not a holiday even in England, but it's still here in Canada. If it's true, it's quite interesting.
        • wrong, if there is not 效忠, why every contry has the definition of 'pan guo zui'? the oath requires allegiance BOTH to Canada AND the Q
        • 你以为效忠二字是说着玩儿的, 如果所谓的主流社会或大多数人真的知道这里人们的心态, 再有个
          张文和, 王文和事件, 不拿你我开刀拿谁? 很难说那是歧视, 既然选择了加国籍, 一点义务都不尽? 这土就是你的土, 这国就是你的国, 一方面报怨议员太少, 一方面自己不要当家作主, 还有人选你?
          • 是可以爱加拿大,但是很难爱那个Q。你说那些法语区的人也效忠英国的Q吗?
            • Agree, I always dislike royal family for they are born to be rich without hardworking, I like States for there is no such royal garbage. I wish Canada would abolish the stupid worship to the England royal family soon.
      • One way to make the Queen come to you - try this at your own risk!
        If you live beyond 100, you can get a letter of congratulation from the Queen herself on your birth day. (If you can still read it :-)

        If you live beyond 90, you can get one from the Premier.

        This is true. Ask your local councilor for details.

        You can always get one from me if you pay the postage. :-)
      • “洋装虽然穿在身,我心依然是中国心,我的祖先早已把我的一切烙上中国印”,虽为永久居民,但仍是中国公民;即使成为加国公民,我还是中国人。我一直没有把自己当成这里的主人,别人自然把我当成流民;
    • 我不撒谎,我会效忠Q。因为我爱这个国家。
      • 可你不效忠Q就不能爱这个国家了吗?Q又不是国家。再说,你怎么效忠Q?
        • i think Q is a part of trandition of Canada, because we know too little of history of Canada, our feeling to Q may be different from the normal canadian
      • pocket, 我同意你的观点,
      • 可以把效忠Q天天挂在嘴上吗,反正让你上刀山下火海的事不多,也用不着你去替Q挡子弹,税也是交给加拿大政府,没Q什么事。 再说了,等你有了公民权,可以投票支持John Manley, 把Q从加拿大赶出去。选票多了什么事都好办。谁也不能强迫你不许你改主意是不是。
    • 你现在是中国人,等你加入加拿大国籍,你就是加拿大人. 不要在以中国人自居.中国与你已经没有太大的关系了
      • 呸~~~瞎说~~~~~~~
        • 不是瞎说. 这种关系不是可逆的. 理想从加拿大国籍转化成中国国籍,那是难上加难. 孩子,母亲已经不爱你了,还回家做什么?
          • If there is a war between China and Canada, which side are you on?
            • I don't know. If I stand on China, I will be back at that time even though I am not belong to China any more. It will be hard for every body.
              • this wont happen btw ca and cn, but is is a serious for usa's Chinese Americans
                • God Bless u
          • 但那不是孩子的错.
      • Definately wrong.
      • The problem is: the canadians still think you are a "chinese", no kidding. I talked to a canadian in the office yesterday, he even thinks those canadian born chinese are "chinese" instead of "canadian".
        • Of course.
        • ethnically, yes, technically, no
        • But Chinese govenment will regard u as Canadian rather than Chinese.
        • 前几天去吃饭,旁边一个桌子坐的10几个华人模样的年轻人,说着一口流利的英文,一看就是不知第几代的华人。可没看到一个西人和他们一起吃饭。就算是第二代,第三代想要融入这个社会还是很难的,你看又有几个议员是华裔呢?
          • So What?
          • be confident, your 'conclusion' is from a single observation,and, the 2nd part is a more complex issue related to our own
            • Yes. But I know some 2nd generation from HK. It seems they usually make friends with Chinese other than white person. You can look around and see the same thing everywhere.
              • It naturally depends on the personal preferrance. Don't worry too much and you don't need to squeeze yourself into the circle of the white if you don't feel comfortable with it.
                • But most of the things are made for white here. TV program, Games, Music. If you don't want these things, why u stay here.
                  • It's freemarket here, the producers provide service and products which are more profitable. White people have stronger purchasing power and it lead the market. BTW, I do enjoy the life here with Chinese friends.
          • 不要看数量。如果我没记错的话,加拿大总督叫伍冰芝。
      • The identity is Chinese Canadian, relax, man, nothing serious.
      • 国籍只是一张纸,你在中国生活了20几年,到了加拿大想把自己漂白都不行。不管在什么地方,拿什么护照,你只能是中国人。认了吧。
        • backward thouhgt, deep in your heart, u r zibei, admit it
          • Maybe. I am only here for half year. R u here for a long time?
            I used to like western style when I was in China. But I found I am a Chinese wherever I go after I was here. Maybe I would go back to China with a Canadian passport. It is right for a Chinese to live in China. That is what is in my mind now.
            • yes, longer than you stay here, but this has nothing to do with how long u have been here or where u live, just be confident, be yourself:-)
        • 干吗那么无奈?认了吧?做一个中国人不好么?
        • 国籍只是一张纸,我在中国生活了20几年,即使到了加拿大也不想把自己漂白。不管在什么地方,拿什么护照,我都是中国人! 我自豪!
      • Take off the burdern, do whatever you think is morally correct, repect yourself as well as others, enjoy the freedom and good luck!
        • This is the point
      • 农妇,小农意识。就算你整天把加拿大的护照挂在胸前,洋人一样把你当中国人,为什么不敢说自己是中国人?我认识的第二代意裔、美裔加拿大人,没人认为自己是加拿大人。
        • He just want to say that he is no longer a citizen of China, I guess. (Of course, he is a Chinese). 这就是移民的悲哀. (想想看, 无论你在北京呆了多久, 也只能说, 我在北京住过, 我是东北人).
        • I doubt
      • 你永远也成不了加拿大人,充其量不过是加拿大籍中国人,因为你的皮肤变不成白色,鼻梁高不起来。
        • 谁说加拿大人就一定是白皮肤÷高鼻子的?再过一百年,说不定加拿大人都是黄皮肤÷不高鼻子的呢。
          • 说的好。只有在中国老有歌唱“黑眼睛,黑头发,黄皮肤”。在别的地方,要有歌唱”蓝眼睛,白皮肤“什么的,早有人抗议了。咱们自己别老把肤色鼻子太当回事。
        • what logic is this? 充其量不过是加拿大籍中国人 means what? only whites are Canadians? too sorry to hear this, are you kneeling down or shaking when you see a 鼻梁高? are you enslaved?
      • 你自己都总以中国人自居,不是自己在种族区分吗?
    • 问一下MILDKILLER, 今天的典礼隆重吗?需要穿什么样的服装?因为我明天要参加朋友的毕业典礼,谢了!
    • 我爱我的祖国,我会为祖国的运动健儿取得优良成绩而欢呼,会为将来祖国的繁荣昌盛而自豪,会在民族冲突的时候支持自己的祖国。。。我还会做很多,想很多,但是这并不代表我不可以脱离某种令人无可奈何的束缚而寻找自己良好的生活保障。