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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛目前在电脑、精算和金融中摇摆不定……



如UT的computer science里面,分好几个不同的课,如:
computer science
computer science and economics
computer science and mathematics
computer science and physics
computer science and statistics
human-computer interaction
information systems
software engineering

主要的疑惑是那几个computer science and XXX的,是指双学位,还是指跟XXX有关的电脑方面的知识?

"science"里面有economics(quantitative methods),economics and mathematics, economics and statistics 学位是HON.B.A.

"humanities and social sciences"里面有economics, economics and geography, economics and philosophy, economics and political science, economics and sociology 学位是HON.B.A.

"commerce"里面有commerce, commerce and finance, economics(commerce and finance)第一个的学位是HON.B.A. 后两个的学位是B.com. 不知道这是什么学位?



请各位赐教~~~~更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 正在读预科,准备申请明年九月的学期,马上就要选大学和专业了(好像是11月),大家给我点意见吧!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛目前在电脑、精算和金融中摇摆不定……



    如UT的computer science里面,分好几个不同的课,如:
    computer science
    computer science and economics
    computer science and mathematics
    computer science and physics
    computer science and statistics
    human-computer interaction
    information systems
    software engineering

    主要的疑惑是那几个computer science and XXX的,是指双学位,还是指跟XXX有关的电脑方面的知识?

    "science"里面有economics(quantitative methods),economics and mathematics, economics and statistics 学位是HON.B.A.

    "humanities and social sciences"里面有economics, economics and geography, economics and philosophy, economics and political science, economics and sociology 学位是HON.B.A.

    "commerce"里面有commerce, commerce and finance, economics(commerce and finance)第一个的学位是HON.B.A. 后两个的学位是B.com. 不知道这是什么学位?



    请各位赐教~~~~更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 暂时撇开将来的出路不谈,你对什么最有兴趣?
      • 都有兴趣的说……不过本来是一心要学电脑的,但是听说电脑越来越不好了,所有也有点怕,不太敢选。其他两个差不多吧~~
        • 唔,是难选择。精算学得比较专,金融我不了解。至于电脑,需求这两年变化很大,谁知道四年后一定"越来越不好"ne? sorry I'm not very helpful.
          • In CS, it's like how much you know. You can be really productive in one programming language in Junior year of university. But in Finance, it's like how deep you know, you can't really do lots of stuffs until
            you finish school.
            • 不是很明白你的意思……
              • Eg. When I was in first year CS, during coop, I was working as an online banking developer, which is really productive. But when I'm in AS, I can only play with Excel for most of the time because I can't do any
                real actuarial analysis work until I really finish my university.

                So in CS, it's like how much you know, the stuffs you are using at work are not hard.

                But in AS, basically it's only mathematics, but you have to know very deep until you can be productive.
                • 明白点了~~~谢谢你详细的回答。顺便问一下,co-op的时候有钱拿吗?
                  • Yes, my first coop, 650/week, second coop, 700/week.
                    • 这么多?报酬还不错嘛~~~ 我还以为是象征性的给一点呢……
                      • You don't need a single cent from your parents to pay for any expenses in your whole undergrad career if you are in coop.
    • Those are specializations. Like in CS, each specialization requires you to take different specialized courses in the upper year (most likely 4th year).
      In UW, you can specialize in Software Engineering, Digital Hardware, and Information System.

      And then in the Master level, you can do AI and stuffs like that.

      Even in Actuarial Science, you have specialization like Pension and Retirement System, Individual Life and Health, Group Life and Health, Finance and Investment.
      • 那么电脑里面应该选什么比较好? 困惑中……
    • B. Comm is Bachelor of Commerce.
      • 多谢解决这个疑问,那么那个HON.B.SC呢?
        • Honor Bachelor of Science... Honor means your program is 4 year in length. Normal bachelor means your program is 3 year general program.
      • 不好意思,问题太多了~~~每个学科后面都有S,M,Mi,有些学科三个都打勾,有些只有两个,有些只有一个,这代表什么意思?
        后面有解释S=specialist,M=major,Mi=minor,问题是,major是主修,那为什么有些学科只有S这一档打勾?是不是代表这些学科只可以作为specialist,而不是完整的一门学科,比如一定要选computer science,然后specialist选computer science and economics?不明白~~
        • S may means you can apply after you get admission. I'm not too sure. Some majors, such as Operation Research in UW, you have to apply it after you got into any undergrad programs in Mathematics.
        • By the way, Operation Research is way better than CS.
          • Operation Research 也是一个专业吗?中文叫什么?
            • No idea about its chinese name.... yes, it's a major in waterloo. But you have to apply for it after you got in any undergrad math programs.