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I think most best MBAs programs here will view an applicant comprehensively.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Here I can just share some of my personal experiences with you.

I applied for the top 5 MBA programs in Canada. I got admission from 2 of them, rejected by 1 and I canceled 2. During my interaction with these programs, I feel Ivey of Western Ontario and Queen's are doing things in a very professional way. You can always get their feedback in time and they really process every application carefully and comprehensively.

I think, comparing to Ivey, U of T's MBA is more focus on applicant's academic background. I was rejected by it fairly quick, after 1 week they received all my application material. I was really upset at that time. But, when I thought about it afterward, I realised that the process that programs select their candidate is also the process you choose a program. If you are strong and still do not get admission from a certain program, that just means the program does not suit you well.

So, my suggestion is you'd better contact each program you want to apply in person by calling them, attending its seminar or attending an MBA forum. Make sure what their criteria are ( sometimes they are differnent from what are listed on the booklet or their website). By doing this, you can not only save some application fee, most importantly you get a better chance to find a program that suit you well.

Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 有MBA经验的大虾:加拿大的MBA对在中国读的本科成绩看得重吗?UBC为什末要overall85%(平均85以上)?太高了!我bachelor是化学,但没干过本专业,有7年的marketing and managerial 经验。
    • update
    • 学习成绩只是申请材料的一部分。我对 UBC 不太了解,但是我申请的一些学校对中国学生的成绩会单独考虑的。〉85% 和 85 分是两个不同的概念。
      • Hi, 经常见到你与daqiao对MBA热心的解答,请问“对中国学生的成绩单单独考虑“是指什莫?85分于85%又有什莫不同?谢谢!
        • 85%我的理解是
          你的成绩在全班在top 15%以内,并不是指百分制的85。众所周知,不同学校、不同专业的分数根本不具备可比性。所以开成绩单,有的学校85分算A,有的90分算A。折算成GPA比较客观。
          • 那么,GPA是读本科的学校给算的?
            • sure
          • 我们学校根本没有Grading的做法,我得自己折,怎么折比较合适?
    • As David said, GPA is only one factor of MBA application.
      Here is my opinion:
      1. Some MBA programs here in Canada focus more on your academic background, while some others consider your working experience more. For example, I contacted with McGill's appication officer last year and she said their requirement is 85 points on 100 points system. When I asked did that mean if my GPA is lower than that I should not apply. Guess what? She simply replied: YES. ( I did not applied for that program.)

      2. You can give UBC a call and ask what's their minimum requirement on GPA and what's the average GPA of the students they accepted. If your GPA is really below their requirement, you can also ask whether anything can be a compensation for that, say a high GMAT score or something.
      • 你好,请问那些学校对工作经验看的更重?算GPA是其中的A,B,C各项当我们的多少分?70分80分?因为我对本科学的专业没兴趣,所以成绩并不好,总成绩平均只有78分。有无希望申请到学校?
        • 我的看法
          1、MBA Program 在招生时,会对你个人的背景、素质等作全面考虑,所以会看你的本科成绩TOEFL、GMAT成绩、工作经历、推荐信、社会成就、Essay等等一大堆材料。


        • I think most best MBAs programs here will view an applicant comprehensively.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Here I can just share some of my personal experiences with you.

          I applied for the top 5 MBA programs in Canada. I got admission from 2 of them, rejected by 1 and I canceled 2. During my interaction with these programs, I feel Ivey of Western Ontario and Queen's are doing things in a very professional way. You can always get their feedback in time and they really process every application carefully and comprehensively.

          I think, comparing to Ivey, U of T's MBA is more focus on applicant's academic background. I was rejected by it fairly quick, after 1 week they received all my application material. I was really upset at that time. But, when I thought about it afterward, I realised that the process that programs select their candidate is also the process you choose a program. If you are strong and still do not get admission from a certain program, that just means the program does not suit you well.

          So, my suggestion is you'd better contact each program you want to apply in person by calling them, attending its seminar or attending an MBA forum. Make sure what their criteria are ( sometimes they are differnent from what are listed on the booklet or their website). By doing this, you can not only save some application fee, most importantly you get a better chance to find a program that suit you well.

          Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 谢谢Bill,说实话(小声说)以我本科的成绩和7年的工作经验要不要改一下成绩,加拿大的学校会不会复查。。(脸红了,如果。。就当我没说。)
            • Understand. I also think it is not fair to compare our scores in Chinese Universities with those of the westerners.
              Some professors in Chinese Universities just think scores should accord with the sand pile distribution and reluctant to give their students better scores. Bull shit.

              I really don't think they will check the transcripts for all students. So, you get the chance, while as I know many Chinese students doing so.
            • 只要被任何一个学校复查到的话,将会通知所有的学校和移民局,太危险了,除非实在太低,否则最好别改。现在学校查成绩的风气是越来越盛。:(
              • my average score is 78.4. is it too low for apply?
                • 你的选修课算了吗?只有 优、良、中等、及格, 没有分数,怎么算呢?
              • My average score is 78.4, Is it too low for apply?
                • 在 Essays 里说明你为什么成绩低吧。用别的来补偿。
          • Bill, do u have any experience of york? I applied in mid-March but have not got any information from school. Should I hurry them?
            • Feel free to call them. But, I think mid-March is a little bit late for application. Chances are, you are on their waiting list, which means wait for somebody got admission from York and chose other MBA programs.
              • Thank you very much!
              • I called them but they just told me that my application was still on the process. Does it mean my possibility of admission is shrinking? Are there any ways to have further enquiry since the staff seem not knowing much about application?
                • My experience of York application.
                  I also applied for York this year. After they received all my application materials, they told me the process will last 4-6 weeks. After I got the admission from Ivey, I called York. At first, a clerk answered my call and told me my application was still under process ( just like what they told u). But after I told her I got admission from Ivey and I would like to know their decision ASAP, she transfered my call to an admission officer. I got the admission from them on the next day and I finally chose not to enroll.

                  But, I think now your situation is much different than that of mine for 2 reasons. 1. Seems you have not got any offer from other programs by now; 2. Now it is already mid-May. So, I think the best thing you can do now is just take it easy and wait. Since the York's ratio accepted students who enrolled is not so high (65% last year), you still have a very good chance to get a place in that program.

                  Good luck!!

                  BTW, could you tell me your TOEFL and GMAT score?