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To answer your question is simply to clarify several rumors.

1. master degree is not as marketable as batchelor, neither as a college deploma

2. college education is cheaper.

Canada is like any country in the world where degree always matters. And the room for further career development is quite different between a master holder and a college deploma holder. Employer not only recognizes your degree but also views that as talent level, on-going study ability and social status.

As per cost. You don't calculate tuitions but also income. Master education often gives you chances to do TA while college at most gives you a Coffee Time specialist position. What you should count is the total net spending occured until you finish the education.

do you think I need to conclude? no, i don't think so.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 大家好,本人最近两天快被考试折磨得晕厥。最根本的是想学accounting,不知道到底是上master 还是college,劳工怕我读master会走弯路,但……
    毕竟是master,我没有的。可是好象学accounting 最终还是要拿CGA之类的,上college呢,倒是不用费力考试了,学费又低,但是用2-3年的时间拿个certificate总是不甘心。到底该怎样?小女子为此日渐消瘦,试问谁能解忧?感激涕零……
    • 快回答她的问题!我也想知道。
      • To answer your question is simply to clarify several rumors.
        1. master degree is not as marketable as batchelor, neither as a college deploma

        2. college education is cheaper.

        Canada is like any country in the world where degree always matters. And the room for further career development is quite different between a master holder and a college deploma holder. Employer not only recognizes your degree but also views that as talent level, on-going study ability and social status.

        As per cost. You don't calculate tuitions but also income. Master education often gives you chances to do TA while college at most gives you a Coffee Time specialist position. What you should count is the total net spending occured until you finish the education.

        do you think I need to conclude? no, i don't think so.
        • 谢谢,好久没看见你发言了。我有点想读COLLEGE了,您的意思呢?
          • i tend to think master is better.
            • 55555……我就是想偷个懒,就不能顺着我的话说?
              • ha~~~ha~haha~
              • 我个人认为读master是就业的捷径, 因为他比读本科省时间. 不过...
                由于我们不是在这个国家上的高中, 对一些文化历史及写作的功底都比人家本地人差. 而读本科就可以弥补一下这小小的缺憾. 因为本科的课程很多样化, 文学历史等等都要从新学起. 所以, 对于加强我们对国外的了解非常有帮助.
      • 读college还是太浪费时间尤其拿着国内的文凭来这里,虽然可以顺便强化英语但代价还是太大。直接读CGA是个好办法就是拿不到学生贷款最好能先找到工作。烦吧?它就是很烦。
    • 还是学CGA吧, 可以一边打工, 一边学. 到招聘网站上看看, 一般会计都要求是CGA或在读的学生. 不知在加拿大学CGA学费多少? 在国内可是RMB3,400/门呢
      • 什么是CGA?
        • chartered general accountant?
        • certified general accountant
      • 不上辅导课是RMB3,000一门。xiaoxia,你通过几门了?不知道论坛上学CGA的到底有多少人。
        • 好象学的人不太多. 我刚开始学(FA3). 你在多伦多吗? 在那学和在国内有什么区别呀?
          • 我还在北京, 刚刚通过FA1和EM1。上次跟一个学友探讨时,她说据她的了解,CGA在加拿大的学费比在中国贵,而且随着课程级别的升高而涨价。不知哪位前辈能够确认一下实情。
            • 一门课大概在$530CND左右,如果要lecture(once a week)还要加70。还要一年500多的学生费
              • 请问我已30岁了可以上COLLAGE吗?COLLAGE 或MASTER需要入学英文考试吗?可到那里报名?谢谢!
                • 我们班上有个头发都白了的老外,照样一起读undergraduate,这里没人笑你年龄问题
              • 你说的是加拿大本国人还是外国人,据我所知应该是移民后在加读要比在国内(中国)读要便宜。我错了吗?
                • 错了
        • 拿CGA的捷径有人试过吗?CGA中国联络处的消息:在中国有会计本科学位,通过中国CPA全科考试的,可参加四门培训,然后只考最后四门就可以,我只有会计硕士,过了CICPA,去加考的话大概可以免几门?
    • You can come back to university. It takes you 3 years and you can get a diploma. According to people have graduated, the income of a CGA is equal to the income who have a bachler degree.
      Of course, the English ablity requirement for undergraduate course is higher than that for master course. If you plan to come back chine, master is a good choice. If not, you may think about my suggestion.
      Maybe after one year, you will find the other major such as finance, IS more attractive.
      good luck
      • Hi, tropicalfish, thanks for your suggestion.The request for undergraduate is higher than master? Maybe I'll give up the master plan in the nearly 1 year.Finance has a better chance in career, but why so many people apply for accounting? I have no idea.
        • hi , it is true that finance has a better career future than accounting? Do you have any plan to study finance? If you do , will you choose master or doctor degree? My major in university is international finance .