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The difference between pharmacy and pharmaceutical science

U of T Faculty of Pharmacy offers undergraduate Pharmacy program (B.Sc.Phm) and graduate Pharmaceutical Science program (Ph.D., M.Sc.). In order to become a 注册药剂师,you need to study the undergraduate program. To apply for pharmacy undergrad at U of T, you need to have at least one year university credit, and to write the so-called Profile Form (something similar to an entrance test), which is hold in late March each year for the following September admission. For more information, go check the faculty website.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问从多大的药学系毕业后,容不容易在加拿大找到一份药剂师的工作?
    • too easy
      • Yes, I think so. If you send your resume to a definite guy... HaHa!
    • if pharmacology, u cant. if pharmacy, easy
      • why pharmacology can't?
        • 做药剂师是要考证书的. 跟law school master毕业不是律师一个道理
          • 我就是想知道中国人在加拿大考药剂师好不好考?
            • 这怎么说呢,你说独孤九剑好不好练呐?这里连医生都有中国人能考上,药剂师嘛... 我看还是在个人素质和决心吧
              • 就整体情况而言呢?比如对华人有没有特殊的限制或歧视?
                • ............. 你问的问题都让我摸不着头脑...............你觉得加拿大哪方面有歧视嘛?即便有也都是个别现象啊
                  • 正因为我无知才问你嘛!我怕读出来以后找不到工作。
                    • 成,好像还是我错了.学生物的不会没工作的,也不会失业的.就是一个挣多少钱的问题,挣的少会少得可怜了...
                      • 你是学什么的?
                        • microbiology and immunology
                          • 原来还算是我的前辈。多有失礼,望包涵。工作了吗?
                            • 别给我叩那么大的帽子,我还是学生呐
                              • 在多大吗?我只是稍稍表达一下我的敬佩之情,何必那么紧张。
                                • 不在
                                  • 学生物苦不苦啊?为什么我一对别人说我想学生物,他们的表情都很奇怪。好象觉得我的思维和常人不同似的。
        • 学生物苦不苦啊?为什么我一对别人说我想学生物,他们的表情都很奇怪。好象觉得我的思维和常人不同似的
          • 苦,很苦
            • 你是女生还是男生?听说女的学着苦,男的要好一点。
              • 男的怎么就能好啊?说来听听
                • 生物有很多试验啊,据说男的动手能力比女的强。
                  • 严重分你是什么样的男的. 如果胆大心细体力好就厉害了,否则就....
                    • 是不是常常在实验室一做就是几个小时?现在后不后悔学生物?
                      • 几个小时? 梦到了吧??? 一做就一天啊. life means u never get chance to say if
                        • 一个人做,还是几个人一起做?几个人做可以互相说说话。
                          • 怕怕你了,又不是过家家,怎么可能几个人一起???
          • 你是读生物的本科还是研究生?我觉得本科不错啊,读了一到三年后就可以申请读pharmacy or medicine.
            • 听说在加拿大考药剂师资格证很困难,不知是否属实?
              • 国内毕业的直接考就难,这里pharmacy毕业绝大多数都能考过
                • 對于中國人來說也很容易考過嗎﹖ 這麼好的職業﹐加拿大肯拿給外國人嗎﹖
                  • Canadian professional schools 一般能进得去就能出得来,当然进不进得了以及读得辛苦又是另一回事。
    • Are you accepted by the School of Pharmcy?undergradutae oe graduate?if undergradute,it's ok.If graduate,there's some difference between Pharmcy and pharmaceutical sicence.
      • 我准备申请多大的药学系,但不知道毕业后好不好就业。 Coule you tell me what is thedifference between Pharmcy and pharmaceutical sicence
        • The difference between pharmacy and pharmaceutical science
          U of T Faculty of Pharmacy offers undergraduate Pharmacy program (B.Sc.Phm) and graduate Pharmaceutical Science program (Ph.D., M.Sc.). In order to become a 注册药剂师,you need to study the undergraduate program. To apply for pharmacy undergrad at U of T, you need to have at least one year university credit, and to write the so-called Profile Form (something similar to an entrance test), which is hold in late March each year for the following September admission. For more information, go check the faculty website.
          • Sorry, wrong URL
        • U of T also offers undergrad pharmacology through Faculty of Medicine. You cannot work as a pharmacist with a B. Sc. in pharmacology.
          • Thank you very much.