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I am not quite sure how much cheaper, I just heard about that. I didn't have a choice. We only booked one snorkeling trip one day in advance on the ship, a cheaper one for $38 per person.

We also did parasailing without booking, almost the same price as if booked on the ship, but again, we only had one hour or two and had to do that close to the port, which would be more expensive. In Jamaica, we visited a park with beach and a fall, costing per person $10 for the shuttle bus and $16 for the entrance. I found out later it would have been somewhere around $70 if booked a similar tour on the ship. One advance for booking tour through the ship is that if it is a long trip, like 6-hour trip in Cozemel to see the Mayan ruin, and if you are late, the ship will be waiting for you. But it didn't apply to us since we couldn't go so far.

So I think you can either book online or arrange a trip on spot. There will be a lot of local guides asking for the business, and usually it is cheaper than booking on the ship. Either way, you won't miss anything as there is a lot to do.
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 带15个月的宝宝出去cruise了七天,回来汇报一下和小孩子有关的项目。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛吃:出去玩,重点之一是吃。15个月的宝宝,已经基本上吃大人的饭了,但是要软点嫩点清单点健康点。小朋友从生下来到现在从来没有在外头连续吃过两天以上的饭,我很是担心出门一下子环境改变,会拉肚子生病什么的。千挑万选最后确定去cruise,是因为不用操心几个大人的吃住,可以把有限的精力先照顾好小朋友,剩下的再尽可能无限地腐败在自己身上。上船一天以后我就完全放心了, 宝宝吃得不亦乐乎,胃口比平时在家大了至少1/3。早餐吃燕麦或者玉米粥加鸡蛋水果,午饭晚饭有当日的新鲜海鱼和蔬菜,每餐还有各种水果。平心而论,这艘船的自助餐实在是很一般,花样不多,但是对付小孩子的三餐是够了。Cruise食物的精华,是在dining room, 不幸的是那里的东西不合适15个月的宝宝,上菜也太慢,小孩子没有这个耐心。我们第一个晚上试图带宝宝去吃dining room,结果狼狈收场,我是一边道歉一边逃出了餐厅。之后几天,要么就大家都吃自助餐,要么派一个照顾宝宝其他人去(这个重任自然大多是我这个当妈妈的了). 总的来说,我没有太多机会享受著名的cruise晚餐呢。自助餐开的时间也不够长,晚上11点到早上5点不开,晚上饿了就只能叫room service,可是我这个人是属于疲劳能打败饥饿的,往往就利用宝贵的时间睡觉了。一个7天的cruise下来,我居然还轻了一磅,这大概也是绝无仅有的!

    住:Cruise另外一个好处是住的地方固定,只需要安顿一次就可以了,有利于安排活动和让小孩子保持作息。我们订票的时候要了一个crib, 到手一看就是个playpen。宝宝在船上最是无事忙,一刻不停到处乱走乱看乱摸,尤其是船上的楼梯和走道,来来回来每天要走七八遍,到了睡觉时间倒头就睡,某晚还听到了她的小呼噜。一觉睡到早上,拉开窗帘看到的无敌海景,觉得带阳台的房间真是值得啊。

    玩:西加勒比海阳光强烈,我们不想让宝宝暴晒太久,同时尽量保证午睡坏境,所以每天我们都早早下船,玩到中午回船吃饭,然后宝宝和爷爷奶奶睡午觉,我和老公就抓紧时间玩潜水什么的项目,等下午三四点再回船上去。带宝宝出门不能指望能够什么都玩,不能plan太长的trip, 我们甚至都没有怎么预订游玩项目,反正之前也没有玩过,怎么都好。很多岸上项目,如果提前在网上订好会便宜一些,如果没有带小孩子,应该是不错的选择。

    行:我们带了一部伞车,发现在船上大多用不到,因为宝宝就喜欢走啊跑啊,船下用的相对多。西加勒比海的几个停靠港口,如果想出去离船稍微远点的地方,要坐 shuttle bus 或者 taxi, 都是没有carseat的,宝宝需要抱着,我们去玩得地方一般车程10分钟左右,所以就勉强混过去了。

    费用:我们的船是Royal Carribean 的 freedom of the seas, 从Orlando 出发,9月5日到12日西加勒比海游。 2个大人, 2个senior, 1个小孩,两间 balcony room, 平均800美金一个人,此外还有机票,租车,酒店,船上消费和岸上活动等要另外算。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 收藏了留备以后参考,如果晕船,是不是没法玩了
      • 据说选择靠船中间的房间,比较不容易受影响。我们的房间在船尾部,也没有任何感觉,除了晚上躺着偶尔晃晃我还觉得有利于睡眠。此外这次天气很好,平常根本不觉得在船上。
    • 等了好几天,你终于贴上来了。帮你顶一下,等我家妞妞牙齿多长几颗带她去玩的时候再好好向你讨教。
      • 不好意思,前几天实在太忙了。
    • 请问你父母用的是中国护照么?是不是另外需要美国签证啊?谢谢。
      • 中国护照,美国签证,所有顶靠港口都不另外需签证。
        • 请问你父母的加拿大签证是单次还是多次呢?我父母的单次往返被告知如果只去美国可以回加拿大如果去了美国以后又去了第三国就不能回加拿大了,所以本来想cruise也是有取消。
          • 我公婆是移民,所以很顺利。如果是探亲签证,得确是需要多次出入境签证。我爹妈明年来,我打算让他们先申请美国签证,然后再去申请加拿大多次出入境签证。这里修正一下上面说的,对于加拿大居民,所有落地国家都不要签证,我不确定探亲身份是怎么样的。
            • 对,现在国内签美国很好签的,我爸妈都已签过2次了,在这里签美国反而不好签
    • Thanks for the information. We are going tomorrow. This week my son has been telling everyone in the daycare "I am going a cruise". He is so excited...
      • Have fun! We saw Canavel Valor at Mexico, very cute ship.
        • By the way, you say it is cheaper to book excursion online. I haven't booked any yet, because i want to be more flexible. If it is much cheaper, I might consider booking them today. Do you know how much MORE you will pay if you book on the ship? Thanks!
          • I am not quite sure how much cheaper, I just heard about that. I didn't have a choice. We only booked one snorkeling trip one day in advance on the ship, a cheaper one for $38 per person.
            We also did parasailing without booking, almost the same price as if booked on the ship, but again, we only had one hour or two and had to do that close to the port, which would be more expensive. In Jamaica, we visited a park with beach and a fall, costing per person $10 for the shuttle bus and $16 for the entrance. I found out later it would have been somewhere around $70 if booked a similar tour on the ship. One advance for booking tour through the ship is that if it is a long trip, like 6-hour trip in Cozemel to see the Mayan ruin, and if you are late, the ship will be waiting for you. But it didn't apply to us since we couldn't go so far.

            So I think you can either book online or arrange a trip on spot. There will be a lot of local guides asking for the business, and usually it is cheaper than booking on the ship. Either way, you won't miss anything as there is a lot to do.
            • Thanks a lot! That helps!!
              • Here are some coupons you can print. We went to Chankanaab Park in Mexico, which was nice. We could have saved $2/person for entrance but I forgot the coupon. :(
          • BTW, I brought water bottles and a lot of small zip bags with me. You can fill them with snacks and water from the ship to the shore. Don't trust local food other than bottled water for sale.
            • Thanks for so many tips!!
      • 玩好啊,回来也报告一把哈。
    • thanks for sharing. we booked a 7 days carribean cruise for Nov. we have a 2.5 year old.. do you recommend we bring a stroller? the stroller won't be helpful on the ship, but how about the day trip?
      • 带着有用的。下船要带包的,stroller即使宝宝不坐也可以用来放东西,大人轻松点。此外宝宝也可以小睡一下。带个轻便的伞车,一来船上房间还是挺小的,二来下船乘车方便。
    • I heard children are charged the same as adult's price. Is that true? Or, maybe not for each ship.
      • yes. it's true.
      • Royal Carribean 是对于2岁以下有优惠价格。
        我们的价格是这样的: 开始报价4个大人,$800多一个人,宝宝$299. 后来agent 听说我们有两个senior, 就建议把两个senior分在两个房间订,这样4个大人的费用都下来了,但是宝宝的折扣就少了,变成了$599. 具体的美金价钱我也忘记了,一时查不到。反正agent 把两种订法都算了一下,还是把senior分在两个房间订便宜点。
    • wow,回来啦,看来你们玩的不错。这几天还在想,怎么没有看见你回来的报告呢:+)
    • 带18个月的宝宝cruise方便吗?还是建议等到再大一年?正在犹豫。
      • 这个取决于你多么想出去玩吧?我是憋了两年了,实在等不得了,只要有的玩,而且宝宝不生病,其他什么不方便都是小事情,嘿嘿!