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一早小家伙非常认真地给我讲他今天make up的故事,我如常在他叙述的时候打字记录下来他说的每一个字...

Long long time ago, your were alone in this house. A baby was in your tummy. You went to the hospital and a baby appeared. Then when the baby ate baby food, it grew into a DAD. (超级困惑,强忍着让他继续) And then another baby appeared from your tummy, and it grew into a big brother. (阿弥陀佛!) And then we went to the baby store to BUY another baby, when the big brother was 4 years old. (赶紧自查,我是后妈吗?为什么轮到他就是买来的?) And then they became a family. And then the ponie(某个神仙吧) tells the baby’s name is XXXXX(他的名字).

Did you know? (此前我还真不知道!) The first baby grew into a Dad, then the second baby grew into a big brother. Next, the last baby grew into a kid. They live happily ever after. (happy ending 真是个安慰,我不是后妈,但好像最后的美好画卷里怎么没我什么事儿了?) The End.
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 我的家庭的起源--小儿的版本

    一早小家伙非常认真地给我讲他今天make up的故事,我如常在他叙述的时候打字记录下来他说的每一个字...

    Long long time ago, your were alone in this house. A baby was in your tummy. You went to the hospital and a baby appeared. Then when the baby ate baby food, it grew into a DAD. (超级困惑,强忍着让他继续) And then another baby appeared from your tummy, and it grew into a big brother. (阿弥陀佛!) And then we went to the baby store to BUY another baby, when the big brother was 4 years old. (赶紧自查,我是后妈吗?为什么轮到他就是买来的?) And then they became a family. And then the ponie(某个神仙吧) tells the baby’s name is XXXXX(他的名字).

    Did you know? (此前我还真不知道!) The first baby grew into a Dad, then the second baby grew into a big brother. Next, the last baby grew into a kid. They live happily ever after. (happy ending 真是个安慰,我不是后妈,但好像最后的美好画卷里怎么没我什么事儿了?) The End.
    • Amazing! how old is he?
      • 后天5岁
        • 提前祝生日快乐!
          • 谢谢!
        • 多好啊!好好培养吧。
    • 太棒了!几岁了?这是个好主意,敲字记下孩子说的话
      • 你是超级写手,+孩子的童言就是绝配。
    • LOL, cute!
    • LOL 太逗了!!
    • WOW。太有才了。不过是不是应该注意,不要让他七、八岁的时候读这个?有可能使他感到害羞打击他继续编故事的积极性。值得骄傲。
      • Alert is set! 真正值得骄傲的是他的健康。早产出生才3斤半,出院的听力测试又没过,曾经以为八成会是个聋子,结果人家长得好好的,阿弥陀佛!
        • 你是一个好妈妈,你的儿子有你这样的妈妈所以才这莫优秀和幸福。虽然你写的只是短短的一句话,但其中经历的艰辛与努力只有你最清楚,很喜欢你儿子写的文章,真是太有才了,有空常贴哈。
    • 哈利波特一定就是这么写出来的
      • 这个想象和联想很炫哦
    • hahahaha, this is so funny.
    • 好聪明的孩子,逻辑很强
      • 前者变异 后者遗传
    • 哈哈哈。。爱死他了!
    • 哇,这小孩子的思维能力不得了,完全是一个小天才啊.
    • laugh into tears!! what a wonderful kid ...and mom!
    • 甭管最后的ending 有没有提起你,连爸爸都算你生的,你还不赶紧偷着乐呀。你这儿子简直太口爱了。
    • 孩子的创造力和想象力总是那么让人惊叹! 提前祝生日快乐!