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带孩子去打H1N1的家长注意了,千万多留个心眼。昨天带俩孩子去打针,大的卡上注明了时间、Provider Name,Comments里面写的是0.5ml,小的卡上什么也没写,不知道粗心的护士有没有打错针?后悔当初被护士的棒棒糖迷惑,光顾着抓孩子胳膊,没细看细问。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 带孩子去打H1N1的家长注意了,千万多留个心眼。昨天带俩孩子去打针,大的卡上注明了时间、Provider Name,Comments里面写的是0.5ml,小的卡上什么也没写,不知道粗心的护士有没有打错针?后悔当初被护士的棒棒糖迷惑,光顾着抓孩子胳膊,没细看细问。
    • 希望我是多虑,可披露出来的新闻实在让人担忧:More than one child received wrong H1N1 vaccine dosage: officials
      • 新闻中没说怎么发现的,也没说有多少孩子受影响。不知道诊所是怎么管理不同针剂的。如果光靠护士见一个孩子就打一针,则很容易出错。
        • 我给市卫生局去了电话,他们说没有留底,叫我下午回诊所。如果那里也找不到存档,那就只能听护士的红口白牙,由她说什么就是什么了。
    • 应该是多少, 0.25吗?
      • yes, but you need the second one after 20 days
        • 这一条,护士根本没有说。你提供情报是否属实,可别满嘴跑火车。
          • 我好像也见过这条,应该是。
            • children six months to 23 months receive two half doses of the vaccine, and children over the age of 23 months to 10 years who are receiving the vaccine for the first time should also receive two half doses of vaccine.
    • please go to the public H1N1 clinic instead of go to some small or family clinic.
      • 难道针所还分三流四等?去的就是北约克中心,排队200你的那一家。
        • I mean a small family clinic has more chance to make a mistake as they deal with different kind sickness. The H1N1 clinices are only deal with H1N1.
      • I went to one in York Region. You will get a print confirmation letter and it mentioned the first shot is .25ml, and it also mentioned when you need the second shot.