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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Mcgill is very sensitive to the background of applicants

Even I got a bachlor degree in Mathematics, they thought I am not exactly matching their requirment. Only those who graduated from Statistics major are qualified to be admitted without additional requirment. I think it is the typically character of some reseach-oriented schools like Mcgill and UT.
On the other hand, if estimated only by academic reputation, Mcgill absolutely better than an American university ranked about 100, I think Mcgill has stength to compete with top 20 universities in US. but if criteria include job opportunities, geographical factor and practicability of courses, it's hard to say which is better, mcgill or No. 100 American university.
I think most of chinese immigrants in Canada will face or had faced this problem : America or Canada. Let's talking about this topic.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 去MCGILL还是去美国的学校?
    本人现拿到2个统计MASTER OFFER,一个是MCGILL的,一个是一所美国的大学,基本情况如下:
    MCGILL:要读一个QUALIFYING PROGRAM(本人理解类似预科),修5门本科课程,如果成绩不错,最快明年1月正式录取为MASTER,优点是学校牛,并可在读书期间坐完移民监,但缺点是相对工作机会少

    • If u like to work in Canada in future, go to McG. If u like to work in China or USA in future, go to USA for degree.
    • Of course Go to US. Why does MCGILL require you for additional courses? Is McGill better than that US University?
      • Mcgill is very sensitive to the background of applicants
        Even I got a bachlor degree in Mathematics, they thought I am not exactly matching their requirment. Only those who graduated from Statistics major are qualified to be admitted without additional requirment. I think it is the typically character of some reseach-oriented schools like Mcgill and UT.
        On the other hand, if estimated only by academic reputation, Mcgill absolutely better than an American university ranked about 100, I think Mcgill has stength to compete with top 20 universities in US. but if criteria include job opportunities, geographical factor and practicability of courses, it's hard to say which is better, mcgill or No. 100 American university.
        I think most of chinese immigrants in Canada will face or had faced this problem : America or Canada. Let's talking about this topic.
        • 实在很难说. 不知您说的是什么排名, 若是综合排名的话, 美国100之外有好多不错的大学, 如U Mariland at University park, U Colorado at Border. 见过在加排第六的SFU, 跟人家没法比, 但就是自己牛. 关键看你将来打算在哪国谋生了.
          • 拼错了, Maryland(?), Boulder.
    • I think it depends on your financial situation. If I were you, I would go to USA for the $14000USD.再做后图,最差情况是先修完五门prerequisite外加几门MS课再回McGill呗. 另外请问: 为什么学统计? 此专业就业情况好吗?
      • 就业情况 is much better than CS in both countries if you have a bit other knowledge such as bio-tech, financial modeling
    • 是够头疼的。左右为难。
    • 当然去美国! 读学位时间短,又有奖学金,毕业后工作好找。光是早毕业一年,就足以把McGill比下去了。呆在加,似乎也就解决身份问题,可浪费的大好时光弥补不了。从美国毕业,还是一样有机会解决身份的。
    • As a B. COM student of Mcgill, I don't know a lot about statistics dept. but I can give you some suggestions about the employment situation in McGill campus.
      Majority co-op, internship and part-time job recommended by school require bilingual. There is a little hope for Chinese to find one.

      You can transfer back to McGill if you don’t like the U.S university, but don’t hope that your life will be easier in McGill. McGill’s students work really hard. Students who transferred from other Canadian and U.S universities complain a lot.

      By the way, the recreational life in Montreal is much better and cheaper than in Boston according to my American classmates.