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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

All Seneca College post-secondary students, except those who have received advanced standing or an exemption, are required to take EAC150, College English, a college-level

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛reading and writing course. Students are registered in EAC150 (EAC 154 for Pre-Aviation) based on the results of the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test or on successful completion of EAC149.
EAC149 is a non-credit four hour per week developmental reading and writing course designed to prepare students for EAC150. Students are placed in EAC149 based on the results of the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test, or on successful completion of ESL 933.

ESL 933 is an advanced level in a series of non-credit ESL subjects designed to help non-native speakers of English improve skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students are placed in the most appropriate level of ESL based on the results of the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test. The ESL classes are offered through the Faculty of Continuing Education and students will be contacted by this office.

Students may not enrol in any level of ESL, EAC149, or EAC150 until they have taken the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test.

ESL 933, EAC149, and EAC150 do not count as general education credits.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 小声问一句:有不有参加过今年seneca入学考试的JJMM,题目有多大难度?我的英语很烂,差不多相当初中水平。今天收到seneca的考试通知,慌死了,如果没过,学校是不是让我读语言?
    • up
    • 小声说一句:你怎么光问JJMM呀?这里的GGDD都不敢搭话了吧?
      • 哦,打漏了。你知道关于这方面的情况吗?
        • 唉,JJ我已经过了上seneca的年龄了。帮你up吧。
    • 读学校的ESL,一边花时间,一边花钱。
    • 我去考过,英语的题还是挺难,不过竟然决定去读了,难不难都是要去考了,放心去考吧,学校会按英语的程度分到不同的英语班学英语的。
      • 到英语班学语言的学费大约是多少啊
        • 今天接到一个黄页查到的ESL机构电话, 100小时的COURSE, 收费$750, 4周完成.
          • 这个学费比读专业贵多了啊
            • 我想这是类似于强化班,速成的
        • 我不知道SENECA,但是在centennial上ESL,应该是一个学期二百多,和其它课的价格差不多的。
        • 去年是260元一学期。所以要是在三级水平的话,你要经历四级,五级,然后才是大学英语这门必修的、有学分的课。ESL是没有学分的。
          • 听说有8级啊
            • 听、说、写是不同的,但以写为主。写是五级。
      • 我能否用贷款的钱支付YSL的学费呢?
        • 我不知道是不是各个COLLEGE不一样,但是在CENTENNIAL英语和专业课是一起修的,都是按每学期修多少课来算钱的,学费都是一起算,没有说不能用贷款来付学费。
    • 能说说你都交了些什么材料 申请吗
      • 我交了大专毕业证的翻译件和移民纸。
        • 不要成绩单吗?
    • SENECA是什么东东?
      • a college
      • 很著名的一个college
        • 啊!没听说过呀:(都有什么专业?
          • 其中一个就是计算机啦。别的我也不知道太多。
            • THX! 难怪我没听说过,大家都听说过,原来又是计算机的。
              • 不,当然不光是这个。因为我是做计算机的。这个学校确实比较有名,在college中,你问问别人,或者上网看看。
              • Nursing and accounting at Seneca are also very good.
          • 不知道么?住的太远就不奇怪了.
    • 我有个朋友在SENECA工作,了解下来是这样的:考试满分900,考100多是一级,以此类推,800多是8级。每级7周,2500CAD。读到6级可以开始选部分专业课。
      • hen hen hen, 那个谁呢? 怎么没见?
        • :D
          • 看见了.
      • 每级2500CAD?这么多?
        • 去那里读语言的大部分是有钱人家的孩子
      • 你说的是国际学生吧,移民的ysl听说和国际学生不同,要便宜些。
        • 移民的费用是多少啊
          • 我也在问啊
            • sorry,我说的是国际学生,移民的费用还不知道。
        • 是国际学生的.移民的可以去它网站查查试试
      • 请问用托福成绩申请有用吗?550和600相当于几级?
        • 托福550以上就可以不上了,直接上专业课。
    • 考试很多的,你说的是那方面啊?
    • 啊,my god!难道我和你们考的不一样?我也参加seneca的英语考试了EAP100,很简单啊,只让我写了篇作文。然后我就报了college english课程。这门课好像是所有专业的必修课,不得不读。
      • college english分好几级呢,你是几级啊.
        • 我也想报一个英文写作班提高写字的能力,能给点建议吗?有点不好意思,出来这么久了,写英文还是缺胳膊少腿的。
          • 赛尼卡不是有么,你去它的网站看看,不过据说效果不是很好,要我看写作也有多方面,主要看你想些什么东西,最好报一个专项班,这样提高的快一些,
        • 天啊?我抱的课程是EAC150FC,我怎么知道是哪一级的?
          • 考完的时候,他们没有告诉你么?
            • 考的时候觉得不对。别人都考听说读写,我就只靠作文,枉交了25刀。我作文向来就极烂,果不其然,判卷的老师说我狠狠地犯了几个语法的基本错误,还说我们加拿大英语的语法很重要,很多信息包含在语法中。
              言下之意你们中文没语法。建议我学EAC150 Extended。我今天也没有弄明白我到底几级。从课程上能看出我是几级吗?
              • All Seneca College post-secondary students, except those who have received advanced standing or an exemption, are required to take EAC150, College English, a college-level
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛reading and writing course. Students are registered in EAC150 (EAC 154 for Pre-Aviation) based on the results of the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test or on successful completion of EAC149.
                EAC149 is a non-credit four hour per week developmental reading and writing course designed to prepare students for EAC150. Students are placed in EAC149 based on the results of the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test, or on successful completion of ESL 933.

                ESL 933 is an advanced level in a series of non-credit ESL subjects designed to help non-native speakers of English improve skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students are placed in the most appropriate level of ESL based on the results of the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test. The ESL classes are offered through the Faculty of Continuing Education and students will be contacted by this office.

                Students may not enrol in any level of ESL, EAC149, or EAC150 until they have taken the Seneca College Skills Assessment Test.

                ESL 933, EAC149, and EAC150 do not count as general education credits.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • Thanks for your information. Could you please tell me more about the general education credits. What is it and what is it for? I can not find the description of it in seneca.com.
      • 你申请的时候都交了些什么。我的成绩单和毕业证的公证件都在国内,所以申请osap的时候只交了移民纸,然后centennial就给通知我了。我是不是就可以不补交其它材料了呢。
        • 我想读的是seneca parttime的certificate,不知是不是这个原因,所以什么也没有管我要。我现在还挺迷惑,简单地考了试后然后打电话跟他们说我要读college english,都没说我要读哪个certificate,然后就行了。
          哪位seneca的DX给我说说,我这样注册是不是有问题啊?还是seneca 的certificate太烂,是个人就可以读?
    • 是不是托福过了550,就不用考英文啊? 我报了Post diploma的专业,只让我交了履历和移民纸,没什么问题吧?