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多市MM们小心了,这两天,DON MILLS附近发生一系列sexual assaults。发情期的萝卜干,嘿嘿,老实交代,不是你干的吧?:) 下面是报道原文。

Don Mills alert issued after string of sexual assaults

TORONTO — Toronto Police have issued a public alert following a series of sexual assaults in the suburb of Don Mills.

Detectives say there have been six attacks along the Don Mills Road TTC bus line, between Eglinton and Finch

. While they say there is no definite link, the assaults have some similarities.

The warning follows an incident on Thursday when a 20-year-old woman was followed from the bus to a residential stairwell where she was sexually assaulted at knifepoint.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / DX, 在 Canada 的单身, 到了发情期, 咋办 ? 请教了 !
    • 星岛广告版
      • 穷, 没钱, 咋办 ?
        • 那就在这刷。
          • 嘿,这种色情讨论你也参加?
            • 人老心不老。
              • 猪妈妈有见地.
                • 我怎么听着这么别扭呀。
                  • "猪妈妈" 不对? 那 叫你 "妈妈猪" ?
                    • 叫妈妈桑算了
            • 干嘛说我们色情? 真有需要, 就得面对 . 咋了 ?
          • 干刷, 不过瘾... 咳.
            • against the mirror. is that because the weather is getting hot?
              • could be .
        • 这里单身mm这么多,各种颜色都有,就看你本领了
          • 告诉我搂上那弟兄, 该咋办 ? 每天下午, 他就象关在笼子里的狼似地.
            • 突然想起一个笑话,以前打工的地方的老板是单身40岁男子,后来有个书呆子来打工,熟了经常一起聊天。一次聊到结婚,那个书呆子突然发呆,一个劲问老板:你不结婚,那个怎末解决阿?真是笑死了
              • 谁说不是地呢. 书呆子被Canada 搞晕了. 要在国内, 容易. 在这儿, 只能问" 那个怎末解决阿?"
        • sell yourself. one stone two birds.
    • 多市MM们小心了,这两天,DON MILLS附近发生一系列sexual assaults。发情期的萝卜干,嘿嘿,老实交代,不是你干的吧?:) 下面是报道原文。
      Don Mills alert issued after string of sexual assaults

      TORONTO — Toronto Police have issued a public alert following a series of sexual assaults in the suburb of Don Mills.

      Detectives say there have been six attacks along the Don Mills Road TTC bus line, between Eglinton and Finch

      . While they say there is no definite link, the assaults have some similarities.

      The warning follows an incident on Thursday when a 20-year-old woman was followed from the bus to a residential stairwell where she was sexually assaulted at knifepoint.
      • 怪不得,越看越像阿。。。。。。
        • 我已经抽巴的没那么高了. 10 年前还差不多... 嘿嘿...
          • 你没事,得救了。就知道你当时狂刷ROLIA呢。看来狂刷ROLIA也能减低犯罪率。嘿嘿,只怕SAILOR没想到吧。。。:)
            • 谢DX 救命之恩. : |
        • 不过, 我还是挺高兴地, 开创了亚裔性犯罪地先河. HAHA
        • Be careful, you will be breathless if you....
          • 你不是gay吧?对了,我那个老板是,所以没结婚
            • 咳, 说道俺心痛处了. 提起结婚俺就头皮发麻. 你说, 人为什么结婚? 这年头.咳...
      • 多情剑客无情剑, 何方神圣? 保上名来. 我的笔下不杀无名小辈. :D
        • 多情剑客再此,何方圣贤光临,在下结驾来迟,得罪了!:)
          • 多情剑客练的是肚皮传音吧 ? 中午说的话, 下午才到... 莫怪老夫动作迟缓.
          • 听多情剑客不是本地口音. 今日莫不是遇到了高人了 ? 不象啊, 对 sexual assaults 感兴趣, 恐怕是采花大盗. 嘿嘿嘿...
            • 嘿嘿嘿... :-)
    • 俺也发情了, 呵呵, 春天没有就到夏天了, 火热!
    • Boy went to sleep with stiff problem, wake up with solution in hand.