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还说visa student的素质比技术移民们好,真是搞得我一头雾水

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 真是不知道怎么说好--今天有个女孩在MSN上说最多只要hug,也不是要寻找男朋友和老公;并且声称自己是处女,但又做过oral,同时又很关心我的婚姻状况和有女朋友否
    还说visa student的素质比技术移民们好,真是搞得我一头雾水
    • .
    • Some visa student的素质 indeed 比 some 技术移民们 好, though. :)
      • 大部分的visa student都是在国内考不进大学的,也没有大外企工作经验,在这里读的都是business, commercial, economics, finance之类的软专业。
        照理说在本地大学读书,英语应该是很好了,可是至今我也没有发现英语特别好的visa student。素质好从何说起?
        • Some of my friends who are visa students as well. They have no problems finding jobs and getting sponsorships to work in very reputable companies. Maybe you are hanging out with a bunch of lower quality visa students.
          • Possible.
            • 真的素质好的,哪里有空泡rolia,所以在这里遇见的都是素质不怎么样的(including u and me),哈哈
              • Sorry but I am definitely excluded from any group or category that you are in, though. :) Because your stuff is totally different from mine in terms of defnition and understanding.By the way,
                most of those labourers in factories never got chances to show up at Rolia. Are all of them Matrix-so-called 素质好? Give me a break.
                • ...Matrixgg-so-called 素质好... :))))
                • 你这个话就不对了,我们的劳动人民就不来rolia啦?不是劳动人民的请举手~~
                  • no one replied me? 你看看,大家都是劳动人民嘛
                    • Cause they understand what I mean between the lines. :)
                      • Asker,你还不好好学习,天天向上,天天来我们这些没有素质的人来的地方干什么?现实世界更美妙,对不?不用挂念我,去吧~~
        • By visa students, I mean those who got scholarship for Bachelor's, Master's or PHD degrees in famous North American universities.
          • 你不要告诉我你也是visa student哦
            • I guess you must be a Canadian citizen. :)
              • I mean a 技术移民-turned Canadian citizen.
              • I am not and I won't be. I will never change my nationality.
                • Why not?
                  • Sorry, I got the answer already. Bye.. :)
                    • 你觉得为什么?
                      • You wanna be a toitorse , of course. :)
                        • 没兴趣,中国的体制更差
                  • 我对政治不感兴趣,我也不想当加拿大人,我就是中国人。
                    • Why are you still in Canada, then?
                      • here it's the only place I can meet asker...
            • lol...there is no point asking her questions...she won't give a straight answer to any question...remember, her id is asker not answerer...haha
        • 英语特别好 does not completely equal 素质好, does it? 。素质好 means much more than just 英语特别好, I think. :)
        • Actually I've met some Visa students, whose English is very good, better than yours, IMO. Visa students vs independent immigrants in general? Hard to tell.
        • 有很多visa student是办了移民留了下来,但是真正在大公司做专业工作却是凤毛麟角。很多都还是通过假结婚,假offer,在小公司拿低工资换offer搞到身份。这些人素质就高?
          • Are you talking about those studying in private language schools or what? They come to Canada because their wealthy parents force them to, so that I understand why they are short of motivation.
          • Anyhow, your definition of visa student is different from mine. The end. :)
            • Honey, I know u r the best
          • As I said, you hang out with the wrong folks. Most of my visa student friends have very good jobs and are employed by well respected corporations.
            • introduce the right gals to me, ok?
            • 我怀疑你是河南人
        • 基本上同意,但是不同意的是您提到的那些专业可不见得是什么软专业。没错,那些专业比较容易在考试中蒙混过关,可是真的要在这些领域成为高手,可比成为什么程序员、工程师难得太多了。
          • 你看连工作经验都没有的能成为高手吗?
    • 你不是老将吗?还被搞得一头雾水。还是想把此女贴出来让大家骂?
      • 我只是说,有很多人都没有很好的认识自己,搞得让人家也糊涂了,哈哈。
    • you are plan B (or may be C).
      • you are telling me
    • What can I call you? Exhibitionist? Public attention whore? Wait a sec, that's nothing new to everyone, LOL. PS: did you ever ask the girl if she'd feel comfortable with being a discussion topic here? specially the part about sex?
      • Exhibitionist :))))))))))))))))))))
        • 不会吧,暴露狂有性含义的,虽然是在网上,你也不能人身攻击啊
          • I am just laughing at the word "exhibitionist". I don't mean whether you are or not, cause I don't know.
            • 我当然不是咯,你还帮着人家一起说我!!人家说我我不生气,可是asker, you're so special to me...my heart is broken~~
              • 就你这种玩滑头耍花腔的说话方式已经很落伍啦,不要再臭显啦,你说得越多越容易暴露出自己的弱点,知道吗?
                • :)))))))))))))))
                • 我对asker是真心的,你走开~~
              • LOL
            • 算啦不要同他争啦,跟这种人能说得清楚吗,还是让 lotusjj 跟 matrixgg 说吧,他们很有共同点。
              • 同猴子跳舞去~~
                • 好啊,哈哈。我老公属猴,最喜欢跟他跳呢!你喜欢不喜欢跟 lotusjj 跳,她可是以独魔乱舞闻名于世哦。哈哈哈哈。
                  • :(你们都欺负我
                    • 倒,这人还真把自己当人物拉。不逗你玩啦,没啥意思。拜拜
      • I guess he might not , cause those girls might be too Matrixgg-so-called 素质好 to show up at Rolia to read his stuff. :)
      • 不会你就是那个女孩吧~~?I am so sorry...if you are...
      • it's only a topic man...the girl's identity is perfectly safe unless she herself decides to reveal herself here...
        • 对呀,可是那个女孩还真敢show id
    • 啥叫oral,是翻译工作吗?
      • 烂泥糊不上墙的意思
      • think about that..what else can you use without having traditional intercourse, so answer is there...see?
        • No body wants to touch you, and I don't think you can use your own mouth to do that. Show me if you can.
          • 你不touch不等于人家不touch啊,还说下流话,真没品。
            • he/she is no body?
    • 被virgin做oral? 不得做出一排牙印?
      • 人家声称有经验,你总要相信人家吧
    • 哦,她想说她既纯洁但是又有魅力--至少有经验嘛。