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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Advertising Design is quite different from Apply arts.

Working as an Ad designer, you have to have a strong background in local culture, for example, history, language etc in order to have creative ideas. Personally I don’t think it’s a easy career for you in Canada. But if you want to study here and work in China, it is maybe a very good choose. Being a Apply arts designer, you need good feeling with color, font and layout.

There are so many competitions in design field. Think about how hard it will be to have a creative brain for years. Choose your career carefully before you do that.

Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我该怎末办呢?朋友家人没人支持我学艺术。该走回现实了。应选择什末专业呢。托福600分都过了,本人原是电气自动化专业,但毕业后都忘了,有过来人说说这个专业的说是好读吗,我的条件和格吗?
    • 还有我已通过ouac申请了本科,转向硕士该如何转呢?如果在本科发展哪一方面的专业比较流行(english? business? marketing?)呢(只能现实点为以后的老婆孩子着想了)谢谢,这里有国际贸易专业吗?
    • 请大家原谅我发了这末多的牢骚!我损失大了,都已在准备作品了。一切都要重新作决定,为了以后在国内发展,什末实用就学什末吧!(没办法我女友不出来)
      • The one live with you for WHOLE life is yourself ... do whatever you like and do whatever bring yourself happiness is pretty important ... 人生是不可以重来的 ... 现实是 listen to your heart.
        • 现实是工作难找(相对而言),我本人其实不在乎,看一帖子寻求广告专业,我一想往哪方面发展已倾向于蓬勃发展的中国市场,过来人告知有钱人叫你做和他口味的专业人看似庸俗的广告,所学的用之可怜。
          • Advertising Design is quite different from Apply arts.
            Working as an Ad designer, you have to have a strong background in local culture, for example, history, language etc in order to have creative ideas. Personally I don’t think it’s a easy career for you in Canada. But if you want to study here and work in China, it is maybe a very good choose. Being a Apply arts designer, you need good feeling with color, font and layout.

            There are so many competitions in design field. Think about how hard it will be to have a creative brain for years. Choose your career carefully before you do that.

            Good luck!
            • 谢谢,看了你一席话,我亦觉得还是实际点。我本专业是电气自动化。我将转回去学我的硕士。我想现在申请还不晚。告知学校把我的本科申请档案转向申请工程。还有一心没死不知约克的design专业就业方向和前景如何。
        • 人家过来人说的话,有钱了在培养自己的爱好,有钱了开自己的广告公司,有钱了没事旅旅游,沙滩边支起画夹,画幅画。。。。这个社会就是这样吗?大家都同意吗?本人近期作最后抉择!
          • If me, I'd like to select what I like. Now I'm doing it.
    • I support you to go for art, it`s my dream
      • 谢谢你的精神鼓励!大学四年上完,钱袋已空,用它来找工也许会像伊顿百货前面的艺术家们,广告行业本地已不会用你]。回国后真如上面我所引用的学而无用迎合世俗口味。(又没钱自己开公司)。
        • 你以为EATON门口的艺术家们挣钱少啊?
          • 起码他们不喜欢这样的挣钱方式
            • 人生短暂,有多少机会可以选择自己喜欢的事呢?我觉得不论哪一行,只要坚持下去,总会成功的。
            • 其实有多少人能真正按自己喜欢的方式去挣钱呢
        • 还是现实点好,因为你好象还完全不理解什么是“design"
    • I support you to go for my dream.