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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

6年学习=其中4年本科2年硕士研究生,理疗师是可以称为 Doctor的,受人尊敬,收入也不错。

The length of post-graduate education that is most common for physiotherapists educated in Canada is 6-years. This will include a 4-year undergraduate degree with the required prerequisite courses for PT school, followed by a 2-year Master's degree in physiotherapy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 今天去诊所做治疗见前台多了一个女接待,问老板说新请了一个助理?说是她女儿在澳洲上物理治疗师program 二年,澳洲放暑假。我问为什么不在这上?说很难拿到牌,想回加做的话要考一个试。物理治疗师很难拿牌?好像到处都有物理诊所。 +1
    • 6年学习=其中4年本科2年硕士研究生,理疗师是可以称为 Doctor的,受人尊敬,收入也不错。
      The length of post-graduate education that is most common for physiotherapists educated in Canada is 6-years. This will include a 4-year undergraduate degree with the required prerequisite courses for PT school, followed by a 2-year Master's degree in physiotherapy.
      • 她说要自己开诊所才赚的。
    • 就和药剂师,验眼师类似吧,每年就那么多名额,本科后再考。那些life science的考不上医生,都会退而求其次,考这些
      • 哦!这些名额是谁高分谁就可以读?例如收100个有1000人考,前100名高分就可以进?去澳洲上完二年后回来考个试就名额不受限制?
      • 这个难度要低于药剂师,验眼师