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如果一家 Business 被 Audit,Auditor 是不是就只能是 CRA?看下面 chatGPT 给的答案。


什么情况会被 Audit?Audit 是很繁琐细致的事情。上市公司,大公司必须得 Audit。买卖公司时候必须 Audit。有时候 surety bond 需要有 Audit。目的是为了防止或者识别作假。可能是定期,可能是抽查。抽查后面会伴随着定期。


Business 找 Accountant 帮忙做 Audit,贵吗?Audit 是 CPA 工作里最贵的一个过程,大公司可能要几个月。小公司几周到几个月,取决于 record keeping 和 transactions 的量和复杂程度。

CPA 的 Financial Reporting 工作有 3 种,一种叫 compilation,第二种叫 Review,第三种叫 Audit。


In Canada, there are several types of auditor certification and license programs, depending on the type of audit work being performed. Here are a few examples:

  1. Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) - This certification is offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and is designed for professionals who work in internal audit, governance, risk management, and internal control. The CIA program requires passing a comprehensive exam and meeting education and experience requirements.

  2. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) - This certification is offered by ISACA and is designed for professionals who work in information systems audit, control, and security. The CISA program requires passing an exam, meeting education and experience requirements, and adhering to a professional code of ethics.

  3. Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) - This certification is offered by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) and is designed for professionals who work in accounting, audit, and financial reporting. The CPA program requires passing a comprehensive exam and meeting education and experience requirements.

In addition to these certification and license programs, there are also various regulatory bodies in Canada that oversee auditors and audit firms, such as the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) and provincial regulatory bodies like the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO). These bodies have their own requirements for certification and licensing of auditors, which may vary depending on the type of audit work being performed.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 请教一下,如果一家 Business 被 Audit,Auditor 是不是就只能是 CRA?另外,什么情况会被 Audit?是定期被 Audit,还是抽查,还是有什么事情发生了,被怀疑了,所以被 Audit?Business 找 Accountant 帮忙做 Audit,贵吗?谢谢!
    • 抽查,一般没事。
      • 谢谢,就是说 CRA 要审核一下该公司的报税是否有问题?请问 Audit 时,会计是个什么角色呢?帮助核对账目?如果当初帮助报税的会计公司不能再帮助 Audit 了吧?
        • 会计要和Auditor合作,准备账目,好的会计,账目做的好,清楚,Auditor就省事,关系就好了,关系好,事情就顺了。
          • 懂了,谢谢!还有个疑问,准备账目是指重新准备账目?公司原来的账目不作数了?
            • 不是重做,整理一下,让Auditor好查。
              • OK,明白了。谢谢!再多请教一个问题,是不是会计行业里,会有主攻报税的,或者主攻 Audit 之类的分类,还是一个会计公司啥都做?
        • cra是抽查的,好像至少5年一次,具体多少年忘记了。会计提供资料,回答问题等等。不帮助auditor核对账目。audit不会要求报税公司提供audit相关的辅助工作的。
          • 明白了,谢谢!
          • 如果会计信誉好,CRA可能几十年都不会audit
            • 哦,明白了,所以对于 Business 找个信誉好的会计公司帮忙报税,被 Audit 的概率就低。
    • ..

      如果一家 Business 被 Audit,Auditor 是不是就只能是 CRA?看下面 chatGPT 给的答案。


      什么情况会被 Audit?Audit 是很繁琐细致的事情。上市公司,大公司必须得 Audit。买卖公司时候必须 Audit。有时候 surety bond 需要有 Audit。目的是为了防止或者识别作假。可能是定期,可能是抽查。抽查后面会伴随着定期。


      Business 找 Accountant 帮忙做 Audit,贵吗?Audit 是 CPA 工作里最贵的一个过程,大公司可能要几个月。小公司几周到几个月,取决于 record keeping 和 transactions 的量和复杂程度。

      CPA 的 Financial Reporting 工作有 3 种,一种叫 compilation,第二种叫 Review,第三种叫 Audit。


      In Canada, there are several types of auditor certification and license programs, depending on the type of audit work being performed. Here are a few examples:

      1. Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) - This certification is offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and is designed for professionals who work in internal audit, governance, risk management, and internal control. The CIA program requires passing a comprehensive exam and meeting education and experience requirements.

      2. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) - This certification is offered by ISACA and is designed for professionals who work in information systems audit, control, and security. The CISA program requires passing an exam, meeting education and experience requirements, and adhering to a professional code of ethics.

      3. Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) - This certification is offered by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) and is designed for professionals who work in accounting, audit, and financial reporting. The CPA program requires passing a comprehensive exam and meeting education and experience requirements.

      In addition to these certification and license programs, there are also various regulatory bodies in Canada that oversee auditors and audit firms, such as the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) and provincial regulatory bodies like the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO). These bodies have their own requirements for certification and licensing of auditors, which may vary depending on the type of audit work being performed.

      • 看来是时候也去联络一下啥都通的狗屁通了。🤣
    • 找会计公司audit,最简单的book也要三千多,倒也不贵。
      • 谢谢。这个没明白,找会计公司 Audit,是指会计公司做 Auditor?
        • CRA的audit是抽查,auditor是CRA的employee,不花钱。你被抽到了就查你,查出问题补交钱或者加罚款,然后大概率被列为重点对象查个几年。如果你自己愿意出钱让会计公司审计,会计公司派出auditor查你,给你出审计报告,花钱。
          • 谢谢!学习了。
    • 不是,很多情况,看是什么样的audit,看多大的business和找到firm。
      • 谢谢!看来不是一个简单的问题。
        • 不是,恕我直言,你好像完全不懂。如果你完全不懂但是提的是specific的问题,还好回答。那么笼统的问题,纠正问题里的错误就可以解释很久了。 +1
          • 确实是完全不懂,所以也不敢继续问了。🤣
    • 如果你原来有会计公司帮你做账报税,那就委托那个公司配合CRA 审计的完成审计,要看啥给看啥。如果你对自己的帐都没信心,那就找个有经验对付CRA审计的会计公司先咨询下。多花点钱喽
      • 谢谢。
    • 如果当初是你自己做的bookkeeping, 完全可以自己准备他们所需要的材料然后上传。材料弄的清清楚楚井井有条,就很容易过关。
      • 谢谢。
    • 被Audit和被CRA Audit是两回事。


      如果被CRA审计,一般是两种情况。一种是抽查,一种风险增加了之后的审计。CRA可能会是关于Income Tax Act的,也有可能是关于Excise Tax Act。CRA审计的时候,一般由公司的会计部门或者雇佣的会计公司来准备材料。


      • 谢谢。学习了。
      • Made sense. 😂
    • 对于small business基本上报税没有太出格CRA根本顾不上Audit,得不偿失
      • 曾经有个让老婆守便利店自己做挨踢的和你想的一模一样,那年被audit,乖乖地抱了2万加币去罚。
      • 谢谢。我看到的好像就是个小 Business,是卖衣服的。好像是和 HST 相关的,估计是税上的 Audit。
        • 小公司,又是HST相关,那就是CRA了。
    • 大多数时CRA雇accounting firm来audit
      • 谢谢。就是 CRA 雇佣一个会计公司做 Audit,然后 Small Business 也可能找个会计公司帮忙应对,结果是两个会计公司对接?
        • The one doing review can’t not be the auditor because of conflict interest.
          Auditor asks questions, small business answers. If small business wants the review accountant answers on its behalf, the small business needs to pay the review accountant for time.
          • 这里的 Auditor 应该就是指 CRA 吧。或者是楼上说的 CRA 雇佣的会计公司吧。
            • Auditor can be any party which performs audit (financial audit or taxation audit).