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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Dear HR....,

xx/xx/2022 was my last day here. I appreciate your care since year XXXX. I definitely enjoyed working here for such a long time, but I also found a place better suited my evolved needs.

I would like to inquire about the bonus (or reward?). Over the years, I always received mine in late Jan for the prior year's performance (or efforts?). However, I was not aware of any for me this year. The opportunity for my separation didn't come along until the beginning of 2022, and I would like to assume the separation would not cancel my bonus (or reward?) pay for 2021? Can you please provide clarifications on this?

Thank you. Look forward to hearing from you very soon.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 快过年了, 有一个好消息和坏消息。好消息收到了新东家job offer,涨工资35%😊,坏消息因为last day是在发去年奖金的前一周,工作了超十年的老东家决定不发奖金给我了😒。 +1
    • congratulations and you made the right decision to leave!
      • 谢谢😁
    • 涨这么多?赚了。恭喜🎉
      • 谢谢
    • 恭喜。为啥不和新公司协调一下迟一周去呢?老东家也不厚道。 +3
      • 1,老东家本来说1月底前给后来又调到2月中旬,当然不是故意针对我。2,我已经通知了老东家我的last day,本来以为拿奖金有戏,结果没想到是这个结果。3,不想延期了,说出去的话答应了的事情就不变了。
        • 如果奖金是对 2021 的奖励,还是试试争一争。
          • 打算问问HR大佬给个解释,虽然不报希望
            • ... +4


              Dear HR....,

              xx/xx/2022 was my last day here. I appreciate your care since year XXXX. I definitely enjoyed working here for such a long time, but I also found a place better suited my evolved needs.

              I would like to inquire about the bonus (or reward?). Over the years, I always received mine in late Jan for the prior year's performance (or efforts?). However, I was not aware of any for me this year. The opportunity for my separation didn't come along until the beginning of 2022, and I would like to assume the separation would not cancel my bonus (or reward?) pay for 2021? Can you please provide clarifications on this?

              Thank you. Look forward to hearing from you very soon.


              • 谢谢C总体贴!
    • 老东家不厚道啊,以后拿了BONUS在走,其实交完税也没剩多少,不用纠结 +1
      • 正常。很多是HR的硬性规定,不容易通融。 +1
        • 是的。我后来搜了网,奖金是激励将来不是去年的表现。资本家很现实的。
          • 是这样的. 奖金是为下一年度的. 不过你可以和新公司问一下可不可以给你signing bonus. 我n多年前曾给过新招的一个人signing bonus 补偿她旧公司的年终奖.
            • 这基本上是潜规则。
    • 肯定没说的是新东家通过signing bonus补了。恭喜恭喜!
      • 没有。新东家给的就是他们的正常range
        • 和新东家说,一般都会补。
          • 觉得没这个底气啊😂
            • 你问可能有惊喜,最多说不补。你不问就肯定没有。
              • 一问那35%没了。---- 他说了,底气。
            • 现在就不要问了,新老板心理不会舒服。
    • 恭喜恭喜。奖金本该%几?
      • 不会超过1万
        • 当然跳啦,35%远多于1万
    • 旧的不去新的不来 给加个一👍
    • 赞👍,老东家太抠,难怪人才流失了
    • 很好。其实再等 1-2 再给 notice,就能两全其美了。
    • 恭喜恭喜!发个律师信给老东家应该能拿回不少奖金...不能太客气 +1
    • 恭喜恭喜!最近也有公司主动找上门,offer 的也差不多30%几的涨幅,本来我打算为现在的东家干到退休的,现在犹豫要不要接offer呢。
      • 怎么这好事就不找我涅?😂😂
      • 接!为通胀做贡献!
    • Wage inflation. 现在确实是跳槽的好时候。
      • Great resignation
    • 你可以跟新公司抱怨一下。。。也许他们会给你些什么,🤭
    • 今年的工资涨幅远超往年,体现了通货膨胀的力度。 +1
      • 恭喜啊!涨了多少
        • 工资增长比往年的涨幅多了好几倍。扪心自问,我去年和前年一样,都是在这里灌水玩,没有更加特别努力工作,所以只能认为是通货膨胀的原因。
          • 外面工作机会太多了,不涨你就走了。说明公司很重视你。
    • Tnnd,今年公司不给我涨8%以上,我也出去找找😂😂 +1
      • 25%,否则跳之 +1
        • 要求不高。通货膨胀好像7%。高过通膨就算了😂😂😜。你涨了多少?
          • 很多。等些日子我去套套别人的,看是不是具有普遍性。
            • 我去,我又落伍了。方便PM一下吗?谢谢。主要想了解行情